("S.G." and "Sc." refer to Stanley Gibbons and Scott's catalogues respectively.)
- - - 1926 - - -
- - - 1930 - - -
- - - 1932 - - -
Typograph printing
Rotogravure printing.
Type IRotogravure printing.
Type II
Leg of "R" in "AFR" curved at bottom. Red background smooth. Centre Black.
S.G.31; Sc.24.
Leg of "R" in "AFR" flat at bottom. Red background tends to be spotchy.
Centre Black.
Type I: Close spacing of lines in side panels. Narrow gap between
"Posseel" and "Inkomste" in Afrikaans stamp. S.G.43; Sc.34.
Type II: Wider spacing of lines in side panel and wider gap between
"Posseel" and "Inkomste". S.G.43d; Sc.35
- - - 1934 - - -
- - - 1948 - - -
- - - 1950 - - -
"Zuid-Afrika" hyphenated
Reduced size
Screened Rotogravure
Centre in Grey. S.G.54; Sc.48.
Bright rose-carmine frame
S.G.56i; Sc.49.
(The size of the design
was reduced so that it better fit the perforations.)Screening changes the design from solid colours to very small squares
of colour arranged in straight diagonal lines. It produces a rather fuzzy appearence.
S.G.115; Sc.49?
- - - 1951 - - -
Redrawn so that the horizon is clearly visible.
Further design size
reduction. S.G.135; Sc.50
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